Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Importance of Silly Shoes

Some days we need a pick-me-up before the day's even started. Whether feeling nervous about a social engagement with strangers or overcome with ennui at the prospect of an afternoon filled with routine errands, it is vital that we be able to find secret "superheroes" in our closet when we need them, items that will rescue us from potential dreariness, and lend us a bit of confidence, a dash of humor, a smidge of "It". Today's superhero: Silly Shoes.

Here, some favorites: Big white daisies with cheery yellow centers lighten the mood instantly, a reminder to keep things in perspective and recognize the bright side of every situation. We may have to look for it, but it's there.
Dr. Seuss famously said "I like nonsense, it wakes up the braincells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living...that enables you to laugh at life's realitites."

Personally, I can freeze when faced with business calls. It's hard to remain self-conscious and tongue-tied when I look down and see these:

Yes, they're little vegetables crafted of leather and raffia.  I became obsessed and called all over the country to locate these babies after seeing a teeny photo of them in a magazine. Their creative whimsy and careful attention to detail always bring me a smile, making them worth every long distance minute on hold!
Some other uplifting choices:
Cow-spotted Mice, Ruby Slippers

Bubble Gum Pink w/ silver, Miami Glitz w/ more glitz

After the luau, Excuse me miss, you have Lipstick on your toes.

 Need to lay down the law today? Best tongue-in-cheek shoe e.v.e.r, very Mapplethorpe. Helmut from '04, I pray I'll find a pair someday.
These examples may be a bit extreme for your style, but you'll find your own version. Maybe a pair of two-tone oxfords, some yellow flats, hot pink laces in your sneakers, a midnight run with the bedazzler on your Keds, whatever speaks to you and brings you a smile.
Those daisy shoes have helped save my day more times than I can possibly count, they are priceless. 
 I simply cannot be cranky with daisies on my toes.

**Addendum: Silly does not mean Ridiculous (deserving of ridicule). The examples below cannot be considered silly, happy, empowering shoes. They qualify as travesties, Frankenshoes, footwear that other shoes are embarrassed to be seen with. Please, please, avoid them at all costs! Thank you.

We hope we didn't frighten you...just a cautionary tale.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Style by Numbers

Seriously???   No, really, seriously, what were they thinking?
Ok, so I have some strong feelings about "personal style", as in "How to look your best and most beautiful in a way that expresses your individuality".  It doesn't come in a box, it's not instantaneous and I can gaurantee that you're not going to find it by imitating the Personal Style of any of the 25 chic-sters profiled in this magazine, they're not you and their style is not your style. 
The eternal optimist, I buy these issues every time hoping that, maybe this time, they'll deliver something. They never really do. That "What to Wear at Every Age" issue is even worse: in your 20s? Bright, short, sexy, edgy! 30s? Start toning it down with some professional wear and day-to-dinner looks. 40s and 50s? Stick with neutral colors, no more black, figure hiding cuts, shorten your hair, lower your heels, in other words: blend in and wait it out. 60s? Add some animal prints and hang on a little longer until...70+, now you can let it all out, wear purple, big jewelry and...
OK, enough crabbing! 
Want to find your personal style? Start by asking yourself these basic questions:
-What was your favorite outfit ever (yes, that yellow dress you wore to the first day of 3rd grade counts)
What did you love about it?
-Do you collect anything? What attracts you to that item? Color? Workmanship? Rarity?
-What makes you laugh? Are you a cartoon lover? 3 stooges? Nick & Nora Charles?
-Where are you happiest and most inspired?
-is there a particular era of fashion that attracts you? (even if you don't wear vintage)
What do you like about it?
-Describe your dream living room, then your dream bedroom
-Remember the basics like:
Your favorite color?
Your favorite feature or body part?
Least favorite?
What are your three favorite things that you already own and wear?
Do you have an outfit or item that always recieves compliments?

Personal Style is a matter of learning what works for you, what speaks to you.
These questions are the first step in finding your signature style.
I'd love to hear how it works out for you! 
If you get stuck, I'm happy to help.
Have fun!