Friday, January 21, 2011

Barcelona, street art

I love good street art, always have. Barcelona has some of the best I've ever enountered. We walked miles and miles every day, so I ran across some gems.
This one's my favorite, look away and look again- there's a lot going on here.

At the entrance to our street Sant Pere Mes Baix off of Via Laitana (SP?)
The Miro Foundation is in Barcelona, his influence shows up all over
Now let's expand our definition of street art just a bit:

A tribute to M.C. Escher:
Even Barca's street sweepers have great design on their side. This flexible rubber tote works as a dustpan, garbage tote, carries liquids,leaves, sharp stuff, etc.  it's just brilliant! I want one. I want us all to have one.
or four.

This one. Ach, the perfection of it. so simple, so graceful, perfect elegance.
One more detail would ruin it, every element used is thoughtful and emotional. As I remember, it was about 3 feet tall.
And finally, some unintentional street art (at least I hope it was unintentional, either way...):

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